Thursday, October 24, 2013

Psychic Cycle


Only like a bicycle in the sense that it goes around and around, the psychic cycle swirls between us and all around us whether we are aware or not. It is the matrix of the universe which rises up to meet us and all our thoughts caught in the maze.

Did you ever hear the phone ring and guess who it is before you answer? Sure. It happens to all of us. Or think of someone you haven't heard from in awhile and then hear from them out of the blue? Not coincidence. Or have an unwarranted fear follow you around for days, and then it happens … we create what we fear. Another reason fear is advisably frowned upon.

Endless stories of guardian angel appearances or supposed synchronicity jam our collective consciousness. To pray for someone is to love them. The power of prayer is not to be overlooked, even if you are not a believer. Because it is not always a religious endeavor – rather, a spiritual signal with all the power of an electrical current racing through the macrocosm of all there is – an ethereal message that matters. That's why when groups, or cities, or whole countries profess prayer for whatever person or cause, it is often reported to have an effect. Prayer can be felt, rather than be expressed, because the feelings fall below language. We don't always understand what we know to be true.

I don't want to get all GOD on you, yet the analogy is there. God talks to crazy people (I vouch for this), or others of professed religious fervor, but basically, God uses messengers to talk to the masses, whether priests, rabbis, ministers, or common conduits, because a Higher Power is just that – Power. Too powerful to communicate directly. So an intermediary is used and useful.

Imagine electricity. If it was not harnessed and delivered to us via poles and wires and outlets that are regulated, well, then, it would be as devastating as lightning. Poof! You're toast. A goner. We couldn't take the intensity of direct access, therefore a conduit is necessary to protect us while keeping us within the reach of that power. Yet, we control it. Access, intensity, location, all of it. Where you plug in is up to you.

And it is the same with psychic cycles. Whether you call it intuition, prescience, clairvoyance, however you name it does not matter. The Law of Attraction, what you reap is what you sow, what goes around comes around, etc. It's all true and man has been musing on the subject since time began, at least since the Burning Bush beckoned Moses, right?

Last week, I awoke in the middle of the night, with the beautiful sound of the ocean outside my beach-front condo. I could not lull myself back to sleep. Thoughts of Marcus crept in, first stealthily, then steady and strong and would not subside. Marcus … Marcus … Marcus … Why hadn't I heard from him in so long? Would I ever hear from him again? I love him so much and I miss him, and we used to stay in touch or see each other all the time, and now it's been too long and where is he? Marcus … as I finally drifted back to sleep.

When I got up later that morning, what do you know? Yep, an email had come from Marcus, who lives in England. These sorts of things happen to me all the time, so I laughed with relief and wrote back to him. Bragging about my psychic skills, you know, how I conjured up his thoughts of me and all that. He wrote back again telling me how brilliant and amazing because HE had been thinking about me all day the day before, deciding he must write or call. Ah, so it was Marcus that started the psychic sequence, not me. Do you hear that, ego? It was Marcus! Who thought of you, who signaled you to think of him, who woke you in the middle of the night – not the other way around. I love this! The psychic sequence.

So much better than the phone ringing and knowing who it will be.